We offer an interactive, one-day course on the rules and regulations for developing and operating offshore wind farms in Denmark. The course is held in Esbjerg on 18 April, in Aarhus on 20 April and in Copenhagen on 25 April 2023.
We bring you up to date with the most recent developments. We provide an overview of the rules on offshore wind in the Danish Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and the tendering processes, including pre-qualification, tendering procedures, and the requirements on tenderers.
We take a life-cycle approach to the regulatory requirements in offshore wind, describing permits, approvals and legal requirements of each individual project phase from pre-investigations, surveys, EIA’s, the role of Energinet, and marine construction, to grid connection, operations, HSEQ, liability and insurance and dispute resolution. We review the terms and conditions of the most recent projects in Denmark, including the Thor, Horns Rev 2 and 3 and Kriegers Flak projects.
You can see further information and practical details in the below course brochure.