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2021 Nordic-German law seminar in shipping, offshore, insurance and litigation – Hamburg, 30 November 2021


We are again this year hosting our annual Nordic-German law seminar at the Hotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg.

The event is held on Tuesday, 30 November 2021, from 15:00 – 18:30

The event is held by WSCO (Denmark), HPP Attorneys (Finland), Selmer law firm (Norway) and Morssing & Nycander law firm (Sweden) and with a number of hot topics in shipping, offshore, insurance and litigation/arbitration. As always, the focus of the event is on Nordic-German exchange of experiences. The event provides excellent networking opportunities between the Nordic and German regions.

We would be delighted to see you at the event. Admission to the seminar is free, however registration is necessary. You can see the program and invitation at the event’s website,

You may register by reply e-mail to any of us on,, or, or alternatively you may sign up directly on

We look forward to seeing you in Hamburg on 30 November!

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